Theatre set-up: ideal for the success of your corporate events

When organising a corporate event, the layout of the space plays a crucial role in ensuring the effectiveness and impact of the activity. One of the most used formats is the theatre set-up type, this is a configuration that maximises the capacity of the room and directs all the attendees’ attention towards a focal point.

We are a leading company in the rental of meeting, training and event rooms, at Ibercenter we offer fully equipped spaces for business events in Madrid. But not only that, we also offer services such as, for example, personalised attention, both to the organisers and to those attending the event, by our reception staff, you can request a coffee break or catering, photocopies, scanning, videoconferencing equipment… these services will contribute to make the event an excellent experience.

With this premise we want to help you to really know in detail in what kind of events is recommended the theatre set-up for halls, its advantages and the considerations to consider when choosing this configuration for your event.

1. Characteristics of the type of theatre set-up

The theatre set-up type consists on the arrangement of chairs lined up in rows without tables, all facing a stage, screen or speaker. This format is ideal when the full attention of the audience is required at a single point in the room.

Advantages of Theatre Staging:

  • Maximises the capacity of the space, allowing a larger number of attendees to be accommodated compared to other set-ups.
  • It facilitates the attention of the audience, as all participants are focused on a single point of reference.
  • Ideal for events with audiovisual presentations, as the layout improves the visibility of screens or stages.

2. Recommended Events for the Type of Theatre Staging

a) Conferences and Seminars

This is one of the most common events where the theatrical theatre type of staging is used. Conferences usually have a keynote speaker presenting a topic of interest to a large audience. In this context, the row layout allows for a direct and structured approach, avoiding distractions.

b) Corporate Presentations

Companies launching new products, presenting strategies or annual reports often opt for this setup. The theatre-like layout helps attendees to keep their attention on the presentation without any elements that may distract from the focus of the presentation.

c) Training Events and Master Workshops

For events where the information flows in a unidirectional way, such as master classes or general training, the theatre type set-up is an excellent option. As it does not require constant interaction between attendees, it allows them to concentrate on the content presented.

d) Panel Discussions and Motivational Talks

Panel discussions and motivational talks require an audience focused on the speaker. This setup avoids distractions and allows the audience to receive the message clearly and directly.

3. Considerations in Choosing the Type of Theatre Setting

While this set-up is highly effective, it is important to consider some key issues:

  • Accessibility and Comfort: Ensure that rows are sufficiently spacious to allow free movement of attendees.
  • Audiovisual Systems: To ensure that all participants have an optimal experience, Ibercenter offers high quality audiovisual equipment.
  • Complementary Services: Incorporating coffee breaks and catering helps to enhance the experience and keep attendees’ attention for long periods of time.

4. Ibercenter: Spaces Adapted for the Theatre Type of Assembly

Ibercenter offers companies and professionals rooms of different sizes with the possibility of configuring them in theatre type. In addition, it offers complete solutions that include:

  • Fully equipped rooms with audiovisual technology and high-speed internet connection.
  • Strategic locations in Madrid, we have Azca, Gran Vía and Velázquez which are easily accessible for attendees.
  • Catering and coffee break options to enhance the event experience.


The theatre type of room set-up is one of the best options for events that require clear and direct communication with the audience. It is ideal for conferences, seminars, corporate presentations and training events.

Ibercenter provides flexible and fully equipped spaces so that each event takes place in a professional and efficient environment. If you are looking for the best option for your next event in Madrid, check out Ibercenter’ s options and find the perfect room for your needs.

For more information, visit Ibercenter.



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