Create a Workspace that Encourages Creativity in Entrepreneurs

In the dynamic world of entrepreneurship, creativity is an invaluable resource. It is the spark that ignites new ideas, drives innovation, and distinguishes a successful business from one that simply survives.

A well-designed work environment can be a catalyst for creativity, providing the right environment for ideas to flourish. At Ibercenter we are very clear about how to generate these corners for creativity in our offices, we leave you a detailed guide to create a workspace that encourages creativity in entrepreneurs.

But first, what is Creativity?

According to Wikipedia “Creativity is the ability to create new ideas or concepts, new associations between known ideas and concepts, which usually produce original solutions.”

It manifests itself in the ability to think differently, break with conventional patterns and see the world from new perspectives. Creativity is not limited to the arts, but is applicable to any field, from science and technology to business and everyday life.

And Creativity in entrepreneurship…

Creativity in entrepreneurship is the ability to generate novel and valuable ideas that can become business opportunities. It involves thinking outside the box and finding innovative solutions to existing problems, or even identifying unmet needs in the market. Creativity is an essential component to differentiate yourself from the competition and provide added value to the products or services offered.

The key elements of creativity in entrepreneurship are:


  • Introduce new products or services.
  • Significantly improve existing ones.
  • Create new processes or work methods.

Problem resolution:

  • Address challenges from different perspectives.
  • Develop creative solutions to complex problems.

Divergent thinking:

  • Generate multiple ideas and alternatives.
  • Get out of conventional thought patterns.

Opportunities identification:

  • Detect unsatisfied needs in the market.
  • Take advantage of emerging trends and changes in the environment.

Prototyping and Experimentation:

  • Create prototypes and pilot tests to validate ideas.
  • Learn from mistakes and adjust strategies.

And how we can encourage creativity in our workspace?

1.Natural Lighting: The Key to Well-being and Creativity

Natural light has a significant impact on our well-being and productivity. Studies have shown that exposure to daylight improves mood and energy, crucial factors for creativity. Ideally, locate your workspace near large windows to maximize the entry of natural light. Sunlight not only improves mood, but also helps regulate the circadian cycle, which can improve sleep and, consequently, productivity and creativity. If you are looking for an office with natural light, you can look here at the availability we have in our different offices.

If natural light is limited, we should consider using lights that imitate natural light, such as full-spectrum bulbs. These can help create a more stimulating environment. In addition, the use of adjustable curtains or blinds allows you to control the amount of light and reduce glare.

2.Colors that Inspire

Colors have a powerful psychological effect. Blue, for example, which is our favorite color at Ibercenter, is associated with calm and productivity, while green is linked to nature and can promote a feeling of balance. Yellow, on the other hand, is a stimulating color that can provoke enthusiasm and optimism.

3.Open and Flexible Spaces

A workspace should be open and flexible, this facilitates collaboration and the exchange of ideas between collaborators. Open spaces, without rigid divisions, allow for better communication between team members and foster a culture of transparency and collaboration.

Oficina con Mobiliario modular para la Creatividad - Despacho 19 Ibercenter Azca
Oficina con Mobiliario modular – Despacho 19 Ibercenter Azca

Modular furniture is ideal for these environments, as it can be easily reconfigured according to the needs of the moment. Movable tables and chairs, dividing panels and shelves that can be relocated allow you to create dynamic layouts that adapt to different types of activities, from group meetings to concentrated individual work.

4. Rest and Relaxation Areas

Creativity doesn’t always emerge in the midst of frenetic activity. Sometimes the best thoughts appear during moments of relaxation. Including breakout areas in your workspace can provide a needed respite and encourage creative thinking.

In all our headquarters we have different places for rest and relaxation, perfect for the exchange of ideas, not only with our collaborators but with the different companies that make up the great Ibercenter family.

Meeting Point - Ibercenter Azca
Meeting Point – Ibercenter Azca

These areas can include comfortable chairs or sofas or even a green space with plants. Breakout areas not only provide a place to recharge, they can also serve as an informal environment for brainstorming and spontaneous collaboration.

5. Tools and Resources at Hand

We must ensure that we have at our disposal all the tools and resources that we may need for creative projects. This includes everything from basic office supplies to advanced technology and specialized software.

6. Visual Inspiration

Surrounding yourself with inspiring visuals can be a great boost to creativity. This can include artwork, murals, photographs, or even a vision board where you can capture your goals and dreams.

Let’s change these elements from time to time to maintain the freshness and dynamism of the space. The images and objects around us should resonate with you and your team, stimulating creative thinking and constantly reminding you of your goals and aspirations.

7. A Personalized Space

Our workspace should reflect our personality and style. We can personalize it with objects that motivate us and make us feel good. From personal memories to technological gadgets, everything around us should inspire us and make us feel comfortable.

A personalized space can include family photos, trophies and certificates of achievement, personal collections, or any other object that has special meaning. Personalization not only makes the space more welcoming, but it can also be a constant source of motivation and inspiration.

8. Technology and Connectivity

Good access to technology and a fast, reliable internet connection are essential for any entrepreneur. We must ensure that our workspace is well equipped technologically so that we can work without interruptions and stay connected with our team and clients.

In addition to a robust internet connection, one of the things we take care of most at Ibercenter, we know first-hand that this helps the entrepreneur achieve their goals, we must consider the incorporation of advanced technology such as interactive whiteboards, videoconferencing systems and collaboration software. These tools can improve communication and collaboration, facilitating the development of creative ideas and innovative projects.

9. Order and Cleanliness

A tidy and clean space is essential to keep a clear mind and encourage creativity. Implement an organizational system that works and make sure we maintain it. A cluttered environment can be a huge distraction and hinder your creative flow.

Establish cleaning and organization routines, such as spending a few minutes at the end of the day tidying up your desk and making sure all materials are in their place. Use organizational tools such as file cabinets, shelves, and labeled boxes to maintain order. A clear space not only improves concentration, but can also provide a sense of control and mental clarity.

At Ibercenter we are in charge of keeping the spaces clean and in good working order, don’t worry about this step, we will take care of it.


Creating a workspace that encourages creativity is not an easy task, but with some strategic changes, we can transform our environment into a true catalyst for ideas. Remember that creativity needs an environment that nurtures and inspires it, so let’s spend time designing a space that allows us to reach our full potential as an entrepreneur.

In our Coworking spaces in Madrid, Offices or private offices and Rooms, we try to create the appropriate environment to encourage creativity in the ventures we host.



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