Covid-19 Protocol

Important information about COVID-19

Ibercenter measures

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In order to face the COVID-19 pandemic, in addition to complying with the Law on the Prevention of Occupational Risks and its implementing regulations, it is necessary to take into account the rules issued by the competent and health authorities in the successive protocols that have been published on the official website of the Ministry of Health.

Given that these are marked according to the scientific and technical knowledge available at each moment, it is necessary to keep up to date, incorporating the measures that are recommended to us in the fight against the virus.

In order to make the offices safe, we have expanded and adapted the existing prevention protocol by strengthening/establishing the following measures:

Access to the buildings

Among the main measures for access to the buildings:

Access will be controlled so that the security distance of 2 meters is maintained.

Hydrogel for disinfection at the entrance at your disposal.

Priority use of the stairs.

Restrictions on the use of lifts. They will only be used when strictly necessary. Individual access to them.

Explanatory signs.

Access to the centres

Access will be controlled so that the safety distance of 2 metres is maintained.

Hydrogel for disinfection at the entrance at your disposal.

Temperature control (thermographic camera). We are evaluating this option, however, the Spanish Data Protection Agency has reminded us of the need for temperature data collection – as with all data processing – to have adequate guarantees that can only be established by the health authorities and the corresponding legislation.

Non-slip flooring or elements with disinfectant solution to clean the soles of shoes.

It is recommended to keep all personal objects in a backpack or bag and keep them inside during the working day.

Explanatory signs.

Use of common space

Please avoid close contact between people.

Control the occupancy density to allow safety distances and avoid crowding.

Provide a reception area for goods. If necessary, disinfect the goods.

Separation screens. The possible placement of protective screens at reception desks is being studied.

Do not leave personal material in common areas.

Restrooms. Individual use of the toilets will be attempted.

Limited and controlled use of the cafeteria for vending and use of the microwave. Temporary closure of the dining room.

Shared common elements: photocopiers, computers, rotating posts, etc. Controlled use. Reinforced cleaning. Gel dispensers.

Explanatory signs in all areas.

Cleaning and safety protocol

Disinfection of the common areas with a fortnightly frequency.
It will be carried out by a specialized company, through the nebulization of a wide spectrum disinfectant product approved by the Ministry of Health with number 13-20/40/90-01562.
This disinfectant can be used on all types of surfaces and in aerial form to combat the proliferation of the virus and its expansion.
It does not harm people because the product is biodegradable and does not present any residue after application.

Reinforcement of the cleaning and disinfection policy of common areas.

Masks and gloves for our reception and maintenance staff.

Use of pedal bins for disposable material (gloves, etc.)

Air quality.
The maintenance company confirms the quality of the air in our facilities and advises against disinfectant treatments in the ventilation system, as their use may imply health risks due to their properties.

In the common areas that are possible, it will be ventilated by natural means on a daily basis.

Use of offices

The adaptation and distribution of the office will be studied with each client to adapt it to the recommended regulations for the prevention of COVID-19.

Use of rooms

Rooms with the recommended safety distance will be made available.

Reinforcement of the cleaning and disinfection policy of the rooms, after each meeting.

Hydrogel for disinfection at your disposal.

How to act in case of contagion

The worker or client who suspects that he or she has been infected must:

  • isolate themselves and call 900102112 for instructions on how to act
  • immediately inform the reception staff of IBERCENTER CENTRO DE NEGOCIOS
  • and simultaneously to the coordinator of IBERCENTER BUSINESS CENTER, Joaquin Ruiz, at the phone number 607428756, or at the e-mail

IBERCENTER BUSINESS CENTER and its clients will maintain a reciprocal, permanent and constant communication regarding the measures taken, and the need to coordinate protocols in relation to the subject.

We are here to help you

We provide our customers with large surface areas to respect safety and health measures at all times.

It is also possible to make occasional use of work spaces for those companies that have decided to dispense with their offices, but that, on occasion, need to meet

Finally, they can establish their fiscal, social and commercial headquarters in our center to receive correspondence in case they require it.

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With all of the above, and open to following any other recommendation that the Ministry of Health proposes, we are counting on making our offices a safe place in which to work in order to achieve a return to normality as soon as possible.



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